"O happy day! Can I ever fergit it? Dat wuz my conversion mornin’, and dat day de Lord sen’ me out wid de good news uv de Kingdom. Fer mo’ dan sixty years I’se been tellin’ de story. My step is getting’ rather slow, my voice breaks down, an’ sometimes I’se awful tired, but still I’se tellin’ it. My lips shall sing de dyin’ love uv de Lam’ wid my las’ espirin’ breath!”
-John Jasper (1812-1901), was a black slave in Richmond Virginia. Upon being converted in a cotton mill one day, in seeing his own sin and God’s mercy held out in Christ, he was filled with joy and wanted to tell everyone about the great redemption he had found. He became an enthusiastic preacher, preaching mainly at slaves’ funerals at night after the day’s work was done. His preaching attracted whites as well as blacks, and after becoming free his church attracted thousands. Till his dying he day he kept telling of the merciful Saviour that had filled his heart with joy.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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I love this one!!! He makes me feel really ashamed about any times I have ever hesitated to share the gospel-- so very refreshing :o)